class org.aswing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI extends BaseComponentUI

@author paling @private

Instance Fields

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Inherited from BaseComponentUI

function containsDefaultsKey(key:String):Bool
function containsKey(key:String):Bool
function getBoolean(key:String):Bool
function getBorder(key:String):Border
function getClass(key:String):Class<Dynamic>
function getColor(key:String):ASColor
function getDefault(key:String):Dynamic
function getFont(key:String):ASFont
function getGroundDecorator(key:String):GroundDecorator
function getIcon(key:String):Icon
function getInsets(key:String):Insets
function getInstance(key:String):Dynamic
function getInt(key:String):Int
function getInternalFocusObject(c:Component):InteractiveObject
function getMaximumSize(c:Component):IntDimension
function getMinimumSize(c:Component):IntDimension
function getNumber(key:String):Float
function getPreferredSize(c:Component):IntDimension
function getString(key:String):String
function getStyleTune(key:String):StyleTune
function getUint(key:String):Int
function installUI(c:Component):Void
function paint(c:Component, g:Graphics2D, b:IntRectangle):Void
function paintFocus(c:Component, g:Graphics2D, b:IntRectangle):Void
function putDefault(key:String, value:Dynamic):Void
function refreshStyleProperties():Void
function uninstallUI(c:Component):Void

function new(): Void

function cancelEditing(tree:JTree): Void

Cancels the current editing session.

function countNodeDimensions(value:Dynamic, row:Int, depth:Int, expanded:Bool, size:IntRectangle): IntRectangle

function getClosestPathForLocation(tree:JTree, x:Int, y:Int): TreePath

Returns the path to the node that is closest to x,y. If * there is nothing currently visible this will return null, otherwise * it'll always return a valid path. If you need to test if the * returned object is exactly at x, y you should get the bounds for * the returned path and test x, y against that.

function getEditingPath(tree:JTree): TreePath

Returns the path to the element that is being edited.

function getMousePointedPath(): TreePath

Returns the treePath that the user mouse pointed, null if no path was pointed.

function getPathBounds(tree:JTree, path:TreePath): IntRectangle

Returns the IntRectangle enclosing the label portion that the * last item in path will be drawn into. Will return null if * any component in path is currently valid.

function getPathForRow(tree:JTree, row:Int): TreePath

Returns the path for passed in row. If row is not visible * null is returned.

function getRowCount(tree:JTree): Int

Returns the number of rows that are being displayed.

function getRowForPath(tree:JTree, path:TreePath): Int

Returns the row that the last item identified in path is visible * at. Will return -1 if any of the elements in path are not * currently visible.

function getViewSize(theTree:JTree): IntDimension

function installUI(c:Component): Void

function isEditing(tree:JTree): Bool

Returns true if the tree is being edited. The item that is being * edited can be returned by getEditingPath().

function setLeftChildIndent(newAmount:Int): Void

function setRightChildIndent(newAmount:Int): Void

function startEditingAtPath(tree:JTree, path:TreePath): Bool

Selects the last item in path and tries to edit it. Editing will * fail if the CellEditor won't allow it for the selected item. * * @return true is started sucessful, editing fail

function stopEditing(tree:JTree): Bool

Stops the current editing session. This has no effect if the * tree isn't being edited. Returns true if the editor allows the * editing session to stop.

function toString(): String