class org.aswing.tree.TreePath

TODO make TreePash faster as hashmap key @author paling

Class Fields

static function createTreePath(parent:TreePath, lastElement:TreeNode): TreePath

Constructs a new TreePath, which is the path identified by parent ending in lastElement.

Instance Fields

function new(path:Array<TreeNode>): Void

Constructs a path from an array of Objects, uniquely identifying the path from the root of the tree to a specific node, as returned by the tree's data model.

The model is free to return an array of any Objects it needs to represent the path. The DefaultTreeModel returns an array of TreeNode objects. The first TreeNode in the path is the root of the tree, the last TreeNode is the node identified by the path.


an array of Objects representing the path to a node

function equals(o:TreePath): Bool

Tests two TreePaths for equality by checking each element of the paths for equality. Two paths are considered equal if they are of the same length, and contain the same elements (.equals).


the Object to compare

function getLastPathComponent(): TreeNode

Returns the last component of this path. For a path returned by DefaultTreeModel this will return an instance of TreeNode.

@see #TreePath(*[])


the Object at the end of the path

function getParentPath(): TreePath

Returns a path containing all the elements of this object, except the last path component.

function getPath(): Array<TreeNode>

Returns an ordered array of Objects containing the components of this TreePath. The first element (index 0) is the root.

@see #TreePath(*[])


an array of Objects representing the TreePath

function getPathComponent(element:Int): TreeNode

Returns the path component at the specified index.

@see #TreePath(Object[])


an int specifying an element in the path, where 0 is the first element in the path


the Object at that index location, undefined if the index is beyond the length of the path

function getPathCount(): Int

Returns the number of elements in the path.


an int giving a count of items the path

function isDescendant(aTreePath:TreePath): Bool

Returns true if aTreePath is a descendant of this TreePath. A TreePath P1 is a descendent of a TreePath P2 if P1 contains all of the components that make up P2's path. For example, if this object has the path [a, b], and aTreePath has the path [a, b, c], then aTreePath is a descendant of this object. However, if aTreePath has the path [a], then it is not a descendant of this object.


true if aTreePath is a descendant of this path

function pathByAddingChild(child:TreeNode): TreePath

Returns a new path containing all the elements of this object plus child. child will be the last element of the newly created TreePath. This will throw a NullPointerException if child is null.

function toString(): String

Returns a string that displays and identifies this object's properties.


a String representation of this object