class org.aswing.plaf.BaseComponentUI

The base class for ComponentUI.


  • paling

Instance Fields

function new(): Void

function containsKey(key:String): Bool

function getBoolean(key:String): Bool

function getBorder(key:String): Border

function getClass(key:String): Class<Dynamic>

function getColor(key:String): ASColor

function getDefault(key:String): Dynamic

function getFont(key:String): ASFont

function getIcon(key:String): Icon

function getInsets(key:String): Insets

function getInstance(key:String): Dynamic

function getInt(key:String): Int

function getInternalFocusObject(c:Component): InteractiveObject

Returns the object to receive the focus for the component. The default implementation just return the component self.


the component


the object to receive the focus.

function getMaximumSize(c:Component): IntDimension

Returns null

function getMinimumSize(c:Component): IntDimension

Returns null

function getNumber(key:String): Float

function getPreferredSize(c:Component): IntDimension

Returns null

function getString(key:String): String

function getUint(key:String): Int

function installUI(c:Component): Void

function putDefault(key:String, value:Dynamic): Void