class org.aswing.Insets

  • An Insets object is a representation of the borders of a container. *

  • It specifies the space that a container must leave at each of its edges.
  • The space can be a border, a blank space, or a title. *

  • Author paling

Class Fields

static function createIdentic(edge:Int): Insets

Creates new Insets instance with identic edges.


the edge value for insets.


new insets instance.

Instance Fields

var left:Int

var top:Int

function new(?top:Int = 0, ?left:Int = 0, ?bottom:Int = 0, ?right:Int = 0): Void

Creats an insets.

function addInsets(insets:Insets): Insets

Add specified insets and return this.

function clone(): Insets

function equals(o:Dynamic): Bool

function getInsideBounds(bounds:IntRectangle): IntRectangle

Apply insets to the bounds and return inner bounds.

function getInsideSize(?size:IntDimension = null): IntDimension

Return the size after insets substraction.

function getMarginHeight(): Int


top + bottom

function getMarginWidth(): Int


left + right

function getOutsideBounds(bounds:IntRectangle): IntRectangle

Apply insets to the bounds and return outer bounds.

function getOutsideSize(?size:IntDimension = null): IntDimension

Return the size after insets addition.

function toString(): String