class org.aswing.plaf.DefaultEmptyDecoraterResource

The default empty border to be the component border as default. So it can be replaced by LAF specified.

@author paling

Class Fields

static var INSTANCE:DefaultEmptyDecoraterResource

Shared instance.

static var NULL_COLOR:ASColor

Used to be a null ui resource color. it is not a UIResource instance, so can't be replace by another LAF.

static var NULL_FONT:ASFont

Used to be a null ui resource font. it is not a UIResource instance, so can't be replace by another LAF.

static var NULL_STYLE_TUNE:StyleTune

Used to be a null ui resource style tune. it is not a UIResource instance, so can't be replace by another LAF.

Instance Fields

function new(): Void

function getBorderInsets(com:Component, bounds:IntRectangle): Insets

return new Insets(0,0,0,0)

function getDisplay(c:Component): DisplayObject

return null

function getIconHeight(c:Component): Int

return 0

function getIconWidth(c:Component): Int

return 0

function updateBorder(com:Component, g:Graphics2D, bounds:IntRectangle): Void

do nothing

function updateDecorator(com:Component, g:Graphics2D, bounds:IntRectangle): Void

do nothing

function updateIcon(com:Component, g:Graphics2D, x:Int, y:Int): Void

do nothing