class org.aswing.plaf.UIStyleTune extends StyleTune

StyleTune UIResource

Instance Fields

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Inherited from StyleTune

var bGradient:Float
var bOffset:Float
var cGradient:Float
var mide:StyleTune
var round:Float
var shadowAlpha:Float
function changeRound(newRound:Float):StyleTune
function clone():StyleTune
function getBDark(c:ASColor):ASColor
function getBLight(c:ASColor):ASColor
function getCDark(c:ASColor):ASColor
function getCLight(c:ASColor):ASColor
function getRound():Float
function getShadowAlpha():Float
function get_mide():StyleTune
function set_mide(adjuster:StyleTune):StyleTune
function sharpen(factor:Float):StyleTune
function toString():String

function new(?cg:Float = 0.2f, ?bo:Float = 0.15f, ?bg:Float = 0.35f, ?sa:Float = 0.2f, ?r:Float = 0, ?ma:UIStyleTune = null): Void

Create a StyleTune with specified params


gradient brightness range of content color


birightness offset for border color


gradient brightness range of border color


shadow alpha


the adjuster for mideground color, null means use this(StyleTune)