interface org.aswing.tree.TreeNode

Defines the requirements for an object that can be used as a tree node in a JTree.

Author paling

See MutableTreeNode, DefaultMutableTreeNode, JTree

Instance Fields

function children(): Array<Dynamic>

Returns the children of the receiver as an Enumeration.

function getAllowsChildren(): Bool

Returns true if the receiver allows children.

function getAwmlIndex(): Int

function getChildAt(childIndex:Int): TreeNode

Returns the child TreeNode at index childIndex.

function getChildCount(): Int

Returns the number of children TreeNodes the receiver contains.

function getIndex(node:TreeNode): Int

Returns the index of node in the receivers children. If the receiver does not contain node, -1 will be returned.

function getParent(): TreeNode

Returns the parent TreeNode of the receiver.

function isLeaf(): Bool

Returns true if the receiver is a leaf.