interface org.aswing.tree.MutableTreeNode extends TreeNode

Defines the requirements for a tree node object that can change -- by adding or removing child nodes, or by changing the contents of a user object stored in the node.

Author paling

See DefaultMutableTreeNode, JTree

Instance Fields

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Inherited from TreeNode

function children():Array<Dynamic>
function getAllowsChildren():Bool
function getAwmlIndex():Int
function getChildAt(childIndex:Int):TreeNode
function getChildCount():Int
function getIndex(node:TreeNode):Int
function getParent():TreeNode
function isLeaf():Bool

function getUserObject(): TreeNode

Returns the user object.

function insert(child:MutableTreeNode, index:Int): Void

Adds child to the receiver at index. child will be messaged with setParent.

function remove(node:MutableTreeNode): Void

Removes node from the receiver. setParent will be messaged on node.

function removeAt(index:Int): Void

Removes the child at index from the receiver.

function removeFromParent(): Void

Removes the receiver from its parent.

function setParent(newParent:MutableTreeNode): Void

Sets the parent of the receiver to newParent.

function setUserObject(object:TreeNode): Void

Resets the user object of the receiver to object.