class org.aswing.ext.DateRange

The definition of a date range. For a single day, you can set rangeStart and rangeEnd to be a same date, If rangeStart == null, means all date before rangeEnd(included) is in range, If rangeEnd == null, means all date after rangeStart(included) is in range. @author paling (Burstyx Studio)

Class Fields

static function resetInDay(date:DateAs): DateAs

static function resetInMonth(date:DateAs): DateAs

static function singleDay(day:DateAs): DateRange

Instance Fields

function new(rangeStart:DateAs, rangeEnd:DateAs): Void

function getEnd(): DateAs

function getEndMonth(): DateAs

function getStart(): DateAs

function getStartMonth(): DateAs

function isInRange(date:DateAs): Bool