class org.aswing.util.DateAs

... @author

Class Fields

static function fromTime(t:Float): DateAs

Instance Fields

function new(year:Int, month:Int, day:Int, hour:Int, min:Int, sec:Int): Void

function getDate(): Int

Returns the day of the date (1-31 range).

function getDay(): Int

function getFullYear(): Int

Returns the full year of the date.

function getHours(): Int

Returns the hours value of the date (0-23 range).

function getMinutes(): Int

Returns the minutes value of the date (0-59 range).

function getMonth(): Int

Returns the month of the date (0-11 range).

function getSeconds(): Int

Returns the seconds of the date (0-59 range).

function getTime(): Float

function setDate(value:Int): Void

function setFullYear(value:Int): Void

function setHours(value:Int): Void

function setMinutes(value:Int): Void

function setMonth(value:Int): Void

function setSeconds(value:Int): Void

function setTime(value:Float): Void

function toString(): String

Returns a string representation for the Date, by using the standard format [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS]. See [DateTools.format] for other formating rules.