class org.aswing.UIManager

This class keeps track of the current look and feel and its defaults.

We manage three levels of defaults: user defaults, look and feel defaults, system defaults. A call to UIManager.get checks all three levels in order and returns the first non-null value for a key, if any. A call to UIManager.put just affects the user defaults. Note that a call to setLookAndFeel doesn't affect the user defaults, it just replaces the middle defaults "level". @author paling

Class Fields

static function containsKey(key:String): Bool

static function get(key:String): Dynamic

static function getBoolean(key:String): Bool

static function getBorder(key:String): Border

static function getClass(key:String): Class<Dynamic>

static function getColor(key:String): ASColor

static function getDefaults(): UIDefaults

static function getFont(key:String): ASFont

static function getIcon(key:String): Icon

static function getInsets(key:String): Insets

static function getInstance(key:String): Dynamic

static function getInt(key:String): Int

static function getLookAndFeel(): LookAndFeel

static function getNumber(key:String): Float

static function getString(key:String): String

static function getStyleTune(key:String): StyleTune

static function getUI(target:Component): ComponentUI

static function getUint(key:String): Int

static function setLookAndFeel(laf:LookAndFeel): Void

@see org.aswing.ASWingUtils#updateAllComponentUI()