class org.aswing.UIDefaults extends StringMap<Dynamic>

A table of defaults for AsWing components. Applications can set/get default values via the UIManager.

@see UIManager @author paling

Instance Fields

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Inherited from StringMap

function get(key:String):Null<T>
function iterator():Iterator<T>
function keys():Iterator<String>
function remove(key:String):Bool
function set(key:String, value:T):Void

function new(): Void

function getBoolean(key:String): Bool

function getBorder(key:String): Border

function getColor(key:String): ASColor

function getFont(key:String): ASFont

function getIcon(key:String): Icon

function getInsets(key:String): Insets

function getInstance(key:String): Dynamic

function getInt(key:String): Int

function getNumber(key:String): Float

function getString(key:String): String

function getUI(target:Component): ComponentUI

Returns the component LookAndFeel specified UI object


target's UI object, or null if there is not his UI object

function getUint(key:String): Int

function putDefaults(keyValueList:Array<Dynamic>): Void

Puts all of the key/value pairs in the database. @see #put() @see org.aswing.utils.Maptable#put()


an array of key/value pairs