class org.aswing.MultipleAssetIcon

MultipleAssetIcon is a Icon impelmentation that use multiple decorative DisplayObject-s.

@see org.aswing.AssetIcon @see org.aswing.AttachIcon @see org.aswing.LoadIcon

@author srdjan

Class Fields

static var BOTTOM:Int

Align asset to bottom position.

static var CENTER:Int

Align asset to horizontal or vertical center position.

static var LEFT:Int

Align asset to left position.

static var RIGHT:Int

Align asset to right position.

static var TOP:Int

Align asset to top position.

Instance Fields

function new(?absoluteSize:IntDimension = null): Void

Creates a MultipleAssetIcon.


set the absolute size of a asset. If it's not set it will be used size of the biggest asset that it's added with addAsset() method.

function addAsset(asset:DisplayObject, ?width:Float = -1, ?height:Float = -1, ?scale:Bool = false, ?horizontalPosition:Int = -1, ?verticalPosition:Int = -1): Void

Add a new asset to asset container. Last added asset will be at the top of all other.

@see #addAssetItem()


display object to be show.


(optional)if you specifiled the width of the Icon, and scale is true, the mc will be scale to this width when paint. If you do not specified the with, it will use asset.width.


(optional)if you specifiled the height of the Icon, and scale is true, the mc will be scale to this height when paint. If you do not specified the height, it will use asset.height.


(optional)whether scale MC to fix the width and height specified. Default is true


The horizontal position of asset


The vertical position of asset (affect only if scale is not true and asset size is bigged than asset)

function clone(): MultipleAssetIcon

Clone the MultipleAssetIcon instance


Source MultipleAssetIcon


Cloned MultipleAssetIcon

function getGapFromEdge(): Insets

Return value for a blank space from each one side of asset.


function setGapFromEdge(insets:Insets): Void

Set value for a blank space from each one side of asset.



function updateIcon(c:Component, g:Graphics2D, x:Int, y:Int): Void