Get started with Jive
First of all there are 2 versions of Jive.
- Legacy. There are several apps in production . We support it but not planning new development there.
- Next. It’s a main version. Now it’s under construction. We’re going to have huge progress here in 2016.
Whole information here is about the next version.
- Haxe Toolkit
- OpenFL
- actuate
- unifill
- svg
- bindx2
- hml
So after installing the Haxe Toolkit and the OpenFl it needs to run:
haxelib install actuate
haxelib install unifill
haxelib install svg
haxelib install bindx2
haxelib install hml
The next version is not in the So it needs to clone it from github repository:
haxelib git jive
The Jive has a command tool. It can be run by
haxelib run jive
The arguments are the same as the OpenFL command line tool has. So to test the Jive app you can just run
haxelib run jive test [ios|android|cpp]
The first app
The next step is to create an app using Jive. Let’s create a Heart of Jive application.