class Xml
Class Fields
Instance Fields
Returns the type of the Xml Node. This should be used before accessing other functions since some might raise an exception if the node type is not correct.
function addChild(x:Xml): Void
Adds a child node to the Document or Element. A child node can only be inside one given parent node, which is indicated by the [parent] property. If the child is already inside this Document or Element, it will be moved to the last position among the Document or Element's children. If the child node was previously inside a different node, it will be moved to this Document or Element.
function elements(): Iterator<Xml>
Returns an iterator of all child nodes which are Elements. Only works if the current node is an Element or a Document.
function exists(att:String): Bool
Tells if the Element node has a given attribute. Attributes are case-sensitive.
function get(att:String): String
Get the given attribute of an Element node. Returns [null] if not found. Attributes are case-sensitive.
function removeChild(x:Xml): Bool
Removes a child from the Document or Element. Returns true if the child was successfuly removed.