interface org.aswing.plaf.basic.tabbedpane.Tab

TabbedPane Tab @author paling @private

Instance Fields

function getTabComponent(): Component

The component represent the header and can fire the selection event through MouseEvent.CLICK event.

function getTabPlacement(): Int

function initTab(owner:Component): Void

Inits the tab


the tab owner component

function setFont(font:ASFont): Void

Sets the font of the tab text

function setForeground(color:ASColor): Void

Sets the text color of the tab

function setHorizontalAlignment(alignment:Int): Void

Sets the horizontal alignment of the icon and text.


one of the following values:

  • AsWingConstants.RIGHT (the default)
  • AsWingConstants.LEFT
  • AsWingConstants.CENTER

function setHorizontalTextPosition(textPosition:Int): Void

Sets the horizontal position of the text relative to the icon.


one of the following values:

  • AsWingConstants.RIGHT (the default)
  • AsWingConstants.LEFT
  • AsWingConstants.CENTER

function setIconTextGap(iconTextGap:Int): Void

If both the icon and text properties are set, this property defines the space between them.

The default value of this property is 4 pixels.

@see #getIconTextGap()

function setMargin(m:Insets): Void

Sets space for margin between the border and the content.

function setSelected(b:Bool): Void

Sets whether it is selected

function setTabPlacement(tp:Int): Void

function setTextAndIcon(text:String, icon:Icon): Void

Sets text and icon to the header

function setVerticalAlignment(alignment:Int): Void

Sets the vertical alignment of the icon and text.


one of the following values:

  • AsWingConstants.CENTER (the default)
  • AsWingConstants.TOP
  • AsWingConstants.BOTTOM

function setVerticalTextPosition(textPosition:Int): Void

Sets the vertical position of the text relative to the icon.


one of the following values:

  • AsWingConstants.CENTER (the default)
  • AsWingConstants.TOP
  • AsWingConstants.BOTTOM