class org.aswing.border.LineBorder extends DecorateBorder

Line border, this will paint a rounded line for a component.

Instance Fields

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Inherited from DecorateBorder

var interior:Border
function getBorderInsets(c:Component, bounds:IntRectangle):Insets
function getBorderInsetsImp(c:Component, bounds:IntRectangle):Insets
function getDisplay(c:Component):DisplayObject
function getDisplayImp():DisplayObject
function getInterior():Border
function setInterior(interior:Border):Void
function updateBorder(c:Component, g:Graphics2D, bounds:IntRectangle):Void
function updateBorderImp(com:Component, g:Graphics2D, bounds:IntRectangle):Void

function new(?interior:Border = null, ?color:ASColor = null, ?thickness:Float = 1, ?round:Float = 0): Void

Create a line border.


interior border. Default is null;


the color of the border. Default is null, means ASColor.BLACK


the thickness of the border. Default is 1


round rect radius, default is 0 means normal rectangle, not rect.

function getColor(): ASColor

function getRound(): Float

function getThickness(): Float

function setColor(color:ASColor): Void

function setRound(round:Float): Void

function setThickness(thickness:Float): Void