class org.aswing.border.BevelBorder extends DecorateBorder

A class which implements a simple 2 line bevel border. @author paling

Class Fields

static var LOWERED:Int

Lowered bevel type.

static var RAISED:Int

Raised bevel type.

Instance Fields

Show inherited public instance fieldsHide inherited public instance fields

Inherited from DecorateBorder

var interior:Border
function getBorderInsets(c:Component, bounds:IntRectangle):Insets
function getBorderInsetsImp(c:Component, bounds:IntRectangle):Insets
function getDisplay(c:Component):DisplayObject
function getDisplayImp():DisplayObject
function getInterior():Border
function setInterior(interior:Border):Void
function updateBorder(c:Component, g:Graphics2D, bounds:IntRectangle):Void
function updateBorderImp(com:Component, g:Graphics2D, bounds:IntRectangle):Void

function new(?interior:Border = null, ?bevelType:Int = 1, ?highlightOuterColor:ASColor = null, ?highlightInnerColor:ASColor = null, ?shadowOuterColor:ASColor = null, ?shadowInnerColor:ASColor = null, ?thickness:Float = 2): Void

default bevelType to LOWERED
BevelBorder(interior:Border, bevelType:Number)
Creates a bevel border with the specified type and whose colors will be derived from the background color of the component passed into the paintBorder method.

BevelBorder(interior:Border, bevelType:Number, highlight:ASColor, shadow:ASColor)
Creates a bevel border with the specified type, highlight and shadow colors.

BevelBorder(interior:Border, bevelType:Number, highlightOuterColor:ASColor, highlightInnerColor:ASColor, shadowOuterColor:ASColor, shadowInnerColor:ASColor)
Creates a bevel border with the specified type, specified four colors.


the border in this border


the type of bevel for the border


the color to use for the bevel outer highlight


the color to use for the bevel inner highlight


the color to use for the bevel outer shadow


the color to use for the bevel inner shadow


the thickness of border frame lines, default is 2

function getBevelType(): Float

Returns the type of the bevel border.

function getHighlightInnerColor(): ASColor

Returns the inner highlight color of the bevel border. Will return null if no highlight color was specified at instantiation.

function getHighlightInnerColorWith(c:Component): ASColor

Returns the inner highlight color of the bevel border when rendered on the specified component. If no highlight color was specified at instantiation, the highlight color is derived from the specified component's background color.


the component for which the highlight may be derived

function getHighlightOuterColor(): ASColor

Returns the outer highlight color of the bevel border. Will return null if no highlight color was specified at instantiation.

function getHighlightOuterColorWith(c:Component): ASColor

Returns the outer highlight color of the bevel border when rendered on the specified component. If no highlight color was specified at instantiation, the highlight color is derived from the specified component's background color.


the component for which the highlight may be derived

function getShadowInnerColor(): ASColor

Returns the inner shadow color of the bevel border. Will return null if no shadow color was specified at instantiation.

function getShadowInnerColorWith(c:Component): ASColor

Returns the inner shadow color of the bevel border when rendered on the specified component. If no shadow color was specified at instantiation, the shadow color is derived from the specified component's background color.


the component for which the shadow may be derived

function getShadowOuterColor(): ASColor

Returns the outer shadow color of the bevel border. Will return null if no shadow color was specified at instantiation.

function getShadowOuterColorWith(c:Component): ASColor

Returns the outer shadow color of the bevel border when rendered on the specified component. If no shadow color was specified at instantiation, the shadow color is derived from the specified component's background color.


the component for which the shadow may be derived

function getThickness(): Float

Returns the thickness of border frame lines


the thickness of border frame lines

function setBevelType(bevelType:Float): Void

Sets new type of the bevel border.

function setHighlightInnerColor(color:ASColor): Void

Sets new inner highlight color of the bevel border.

function setHighlightOuterColor(color:ASColor): Void

Sets new outer highlight color of the bevel border.

function setShadowInnerColor(color:ASColor): Void

Sets new inner shadow color of the bevel border.

function setShadowOuterColor(color:ASColor): Void

Sets new outer shadow color of the bevel border.

function setThickness(t:Float): Void

Sets the thickness of border frame lines


the thickness of border frame lines to set.