class org.aswing.LoadIcon extends AssetIcon

LoadIcon allow you load extenal image/animation to be the icon content. @author senkay

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Inherited from AssetIcon

var asset:DisplayObject
var bitmapAsset:String
var height:Int
var scale:Bool
var width:Int
function getDisplay(c:Component):DisplayObject
function updateIcon(c:Component, g:Graphics2D, x:Int, y:Int):Void

function new(url:Dynamic, ?width:Float = -1, ?height:Float = -1, ?scale:Bool = false): Void

Creates a LoadIcon with specified url/URLRequest, width, height.


the url/URLRequest for a asset location.


(optional)the width of this icon.(miss this param mean use image width)


(optional)the height of this icon.(miss this param mean use image height)


(optional)whether scale the extenal image/anim to fit the size specified by front two params, default is false

function clone(): LoadIcon

function getLoader(): Loader

Return the loader


this loader

function updateIcon(c:Component, g:Graphics2D, x:Int, y:Int): Void