class org.aswing.KeyStroke

KeyStroke is a single key definition.

Thanks Romain for his Fever{@link} accelerator framworks implementation, this is a simpler implementation study from his. @author paling

Class Fields

static var VK_0:KeyStroke

static var VK_1:KeyStroke

static var VK_2:KeyStroke

static var VK_3:KeyStroke

static var VK_4:KeyStroke

static var VK_5:KeyStroke

static var VK_6:KeyStroke

static var VK_7:KeyStroke

static var VK_8:KeyStroke

static var VK_9:KeyStroke

static var VK_A:KeyStroke

static var VK_B:KeyStroke

static var VK_C:KeyStroke

static var VK_D:KeyStroke

static var VK_DELETE:KeyStroke

static var VK_DOWN:KeyStroke

static var VK_E:KeyStroke

static var VK_END:KeyStroke

static var VK_ENTER:KeyStroke

static var VK_ESCAPE:KeyStroke

static var VK_F:KeyStroke

static var VK_F1:KeyStroke

static var VK_F10:KeyStroke

static var VK_F11:KeyStroke

static var VK_F12:KeyStroke

static var VK_F13:KeyStroke

static var VK_F14:KeyStroke

static var VK_F15:KeyStroke

static var VK_F2:KeyStroke

static var VK_F3:KeyStroke

static var VK_F4:KeyStroke

static var VK_F5:KeyStroke

static var VK_F6:KeyStroke

static var VK_F7:KeyStroke

static var VK_F8:KeyStroke

static var VK_F9:KeyStroke

static var VK_G:KeyStroke

static var VK_H:KeyStroke

static var VK_HOME:KeyStroke

static var VK_I:KeyStroke

static var VK_INSERT:KeyStroke

static var VK_J:KeyStroke

static var VK_K:KeyStroke

static var VK_L:KeyStroke

static var VK_LEFT:KeyStroke

static var VK_M:KeyStroke

static var VK_MENU:KeyStroke

static var VK_N:KeyStroke

static var VK_O:KeyStroke

static var VK_P:KeyStroke

static var VK_PAUSE:KeyStroke

static var VK_Q:KeyStroke

static var VK_R:KeyStroke

static var VK_RIGHT:KeyStroke

static var VK_S:KeyStroke

static var VK_SHIFT:KeyStroke

static var VK_SPACE:KeyStroke

static var VK_T:KeyStroke

static var VK_TAB:KeyStroke

static var VK_U:KeyStroke

static var VK_UP:KeyStroke

static var VK_V:KeyStroke

static var VK_W:KeyStroke

static var VK_X:KeyStroke

static var VK_Y:KeyStroke

static var VK_Z:KeyStroke

Instance Fields

function new(description:String, code:Int): Void

Create a KeyStroke with string and key code.

function getCode(): Int

function toString(): String