class org.aswing.ASFontAdvProperties

The advanced properties for font. @see flash.text.TextField @see flash.text.AntiAliasType @see flash.text.GridFitType @author paling

Instance Fields

function new(?embedFonts:Bool = false, ?antiAliasType:String = 'NORMAL', ?gridFitType:String = 'PIXEL', ?sharpness:Float = 0, ?thickness:Float = 0): Void

function apply(textField:TextField): Void

Applys the properties to the specified text field.


the text filed to be applied font.

function changeSharpness(newSharpness:Float): ASFontAdvProperties

function changeThickness(newThickness:Float): ASFontAdvProperties

function getSharpness(): Float

function getThickness(): Float

function isEmbedFonts(): Bool

function toString(): String