class flash.Vector<T>

The Vector class is very similar to Array but is only supported by the Flash Player 10+

Class Fields

static function convert<T, U>(v:Vector<T>): Vector<U>

static function ofArray<T>(v:Array<T>): Vector<T>

Instance Fields

function new(?length:UInt, ?fixed:Bool): Void

function concat(?a:Vector<T>): Vector<T>

function indexOf(x:T, ?from:Int): Int

function join(sep:String): String

function lastIndexOf(x:T, ?from:Int): Int

function pop(): Null<T>

function push(x:T): Int

function reverse(): Void

function shift(): Null<T>

function slice(?pos:Int, ?end:Int): Vector<T>

function sort(f:T ->T ->Int): Void

function splice(pos:Int, len:Int): Vector<T>

function toString(): String

function unshift(x:T): Void