class Reflect

The Reflect API is a way to manipulate values dynamicly through an abstract interface in an untyped manner. Use with care.

Class Fields

static function copy<T>(o:T): T

Copies the fields of structure o.

This is only guaranteed to work on anonymous structures.

If o is null, the result is unspecified.

static function field(o:Dynamic, field:String): Dynamic

Returns the value of the field named field on object o.

If o is not an object or has no field named field, the result is null.

If the field is defined as a property, its accessors are ignored. Refer to Reflect.getProperty for a function supporting property accessors.

If field is null, the result is unspecified.

(As3) If used on a property field, the getter will be invoked. It is not possible to obtain the value directly.

static function fields(o:Dynamic): Array<String>

Returns the fields of structure o.

This method is only guaranteed to work on anonymous structures. Refer to Type.getInstanceFields for a function supporting class instances.

If o is null, the result is unspecified.

static function getProperty(o:Dynamic, field:String): Dynamic

Returns the value of the field named field on object o, taking property getter functions into account.

If the field is not a property, this function behaves like Reflect.field, but might be slower.

If o or field are null, the result is unspecified.

static function hasField(o:Dynamic, field:String): Bool

Tells if structure o has a field named field.

This is only guaranteed to work for anonymous structures. Refer to Type.getInstanceFields for a function supporting class instances.

If o or field are null, the result is unspecified.

static function isFunction(f:Dynamic): Bool

Returns true if f is a function, false otherwise.

If f is null, the result is false.

static function makeVarArgs(f:Array<Dynamic> ->Dynamic): Dynamic

static function makeVarArgs(f:Array<Dynamic> ->Void): Dynamic

Transform a function taking an array of arguments into a function that can be called with any number of arguments.

static function setProperty(o:Dynamic, field:String, value:Dynamic): Void

Sets the field named field of object o to value value, taking property setter functions into account.

If the field is not a property, this function behaves like Reflect.setField, but might be slower.

If field is null, the result is unspecified.