
An Output is an abstract write. A specific output implementation will only have to override the [writeByte] and maybe the [write], [flush] and [close] methods. See [File.write] and [String.write] for two ways of creating an Output.

Instance Fields

var bigEndian:Bool

Endianness (word byte order) used when writing numbers.

If true, big-endian is used, otherwise little-endian is used.

function write(s:Bytes): Void

Write all bytes stored in s.

function writeByte(c:Int): Void

Write one byte.

function writeBytes(s:Bytes, pos:Int, len:Int): Int

Write len bytes from s starting by position specified by pos.

Returns the actual length of written data that can differ from len.

See writeFullBytes that tries to write the exact amount of specified bytes.

function writeFullBytes(s:Bytes, pos:Int, len:Int): Void

Write len bytes from s starting by position specified by pos.

Unlike writeBytes, this method tries to write the exact len amount of bytes.

function writeInt32(x:Int): Void

Write x as 32-bit signed integer.

Endianness is specified by the bigEndian property.

function writeString(s:String): Void

Write s string.