class org.aswing.util.LinkedList

Linked list implementation of the List interface. @author Tomato @author paling

Instance Fields

function new(): Void

function append(data:Dynamic, ?index:Int = -1): Void

function appendAll(arr:Array<Dynamic>, ?index:Int = -1): Void

function appendList(list:List, ?index:Int = -1): Void

function clear(): Void

function contains(element:Dynamic): Bool

function first(): Dynamic

function get(index:Int): Dynamic

function getHead(): ListNode

function getNodeAt(index:Int): ListNode

function getTail(): ListNode

function indexOf(element:Dynamic): Int

function isEmpty(): Bool

function last(): Dynamic

function pop(): Dynamic

function remove(element:Dynamic): Dynamic

function removeAt(index:Int): Dynamic

function removeNode(node:ListNode): Void

function removeRange(fromIndex:Int, toIndex:Int): Array<Dynamic>

Returns null if out of bounds

function replaceAt(index:Int, element:Dynamic): Dynamic

function shift(): Dynamic

function size(): Int

function toArray(): Array<Dynamic>

function toString(): String