interface org.aswing.table.TableColumnModelListener

TableColumnModelListener defines the interface for an object that listens to changes in a TableColumnModel.

@author paling

Instance Fields

function columnAdded(e:TableColumnModelEvent): Void

Tells listeners that a column was added to the model.

function columnMarginChanged(source:TableColumnModel): Void

Tells listeners that a column was moved due to a margin change.

function columnMoved(e:TableColumnModelEvent): Void

Tells listeners that a column was repositioned.

function columnRemoved(e:TableColumnModelEvent): Void

Tells listeners that a column was removed from the model.

function columnSelectionChanged(source:TableColumnModel, firstIndex:Int, lastIndex:Int, programmatic:Bool): Void

Tells listeners that the selection model of the TableColumnModel changed.