class org.aswing.resizer.ResizeStrategyImp

A basic implementation of ResizeStrategy.

It will return the resized rectangle, the rectangle is not min than getResizableMinSize and not max than getResizableMaxSize if these method are defineded in the resized comopoent.

@author paling

Instance Fields

function new(wSign:Float, hSign:Float): Void

function getBounds(origBounds:IntRectangle, minSize:IntDimension, maxSize:IntDimension, movedX:Int, movedY:Int): IntRectangle

Count and return the new bounds what the component would be resized to.

* It will return the resized rectangle, the rectangle is not min than * getResizableMinSize and not max than getResizableMaxSize if these method are defineded * in the resized comopoent.