class org.aswing.event.ListDataEvent extends ModelEvent

The event for list model. @see org.aswing.JList @see org.aswing.ListModel @see org.aswing.event.ListDataListener @author paling

Instance Fields

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Inherited from ModelEvent

function getSource():Dynamic

function new(source:Dynamic, index0:Int, index1:Int, removedItems:Array<Dynamic>): Void

Constructs a ListDataEvent object.


the source Object (typically this)


an int specifying the bottom of a range


an int specifying the top of a range


(optional) the items has been removed.

function getIndex0(): Int

Returns the lower index of the range. For a single element, this value is the same as that returned by {@link #getIndex1}.


an int representing the lower index value

function getIndex1(): Int

Returns the upper index of the range. For a single element, this value is the same as that returned by {@link #getIndex0}.


an int representing the upper index value

function getRemovedItems(): Array<Dynamic>

Returns the removed items, it is null or empty array when this is not a removed event.


a array that contains the removed items