interface org.aswing.Viewportable

A viewportable object can scrolled by JScrollPane, JScrollBar to view its viewed content in a visible area.

See JScrollPane, JViewport, JList, JTextArea

Authors: paling, ngrebenshikov

Instance Fields

function addStateListener(listener:Dynamic ->Void?priority:Int, ?useWeakReference:Bool): Void

Add a listener to listen the viewpoat state change event.

When the viewpoat's state changed, the state is all about:

  • viewPosition
@see org.aswing.event.InteractiveEvent#STATE_CHANGED


the listener


the priority


Determines whether the reference to the listener is strong or weak.

function getExtentSize(): IntDimension

Returns the size of the visible part of the view in view logic coordinates.


a IntDimension object giving the size of the view

function getHorizontalBlockIncrement(): Int

Return the block value for the Horizontal scrolling.

function getHorizontalUnitIncrement(): Int

Returns the unit value for the Horizontal scrolling.

function getVerticalBlockIncrement(): Int

Return the block value for the Vertical scrolling.

function getVerticalUnitIncrement(): Int

Returns the unit value for the Vertical scrolling.

function getViewPosition(): IntPoint

Returns the view coordinates that appear in the upper left hand corner of the viewport, or 0,0 if there's no view. in view logic coordinates.


a IntPoint object giving the upper left coordinates

function getViewSize(): IntDimension

Returns the viewportable view's amount size if view all content in view logic coordinates. Usually the view's preffered size.


the view's size.

function getViewportPane(): Component

Return the component of the viewportable's pane which would added to displayed on the stage.


the component of the viewportable pane.

function removeStateListener(listener:Dynamic ->Void): Void

Removes a state listener. @see org.aswing.event.InteractiveEvent#STATE_CHANGED


the listener to be removed.

function scrollRectToVisible(contentRect:IntRectangle, ?programmatic:Bool): Void

Scrolls the view so that IntRectangle within the view becomes visible. in view logic coordinates.

Note that this method will not scroll outside of the valid viewport; for example, if contentRect is larger than the viewport, scrolling will be confined to the viewport's bounds.


the IntRectangle to display


indicate if this is a programmatic change.

function setHorizontalBlockIncrement(increment:Int): Void

Sets the block value for the Horizontal scrolling.

function setHorizontalUnitIncrement(increment:Int): Void

Sets the unit value for the Horizontal scrolling.

function setVerticalBlockIncrement(increment:Int): Void

Sets the block value for the Vertical scrolling.

function setVerticalUnitIncrement(increment:Int): Void

Sets the unit value for the Vertical scrolling.

function setViewPosition(p:IntPoint, ?programmatic:Bool): Void

Sets the view coordinates that appear in the upper left hand corner of the viewport. in view logic coordinates.


a IntPoint object giving the upper left coordinates


indicate if this is a programmatic change.

function setViewportTestSize(s:IntDimension): Void

Before JScrollPane analyse the scroll properties(call getExtentSize and getViewSize), it will call this method to set the size of viewport will be to test.


the size to test