class org.aswing.ScrollPaneLayout extends EmptyLayout

The layout manager used by JScrollPane. JScrollPaneLayout is responsible for three components: a viewportable's pane, two scrollbars.

@see JScrollPane @see Viewportable

@author paling

Class Fields

static var BOTTOM_LEFT:Int

scrollbar are place at bottom and left

static var BOTTOM_RIGHT:Int

scrollbar are place at bottom and right

static var TOP_LEFT:Int

scrollbar are place at top and left

static var TOP_RIGHT:Int

scrollbar are place at top and right

Instance Fields

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Inherited from EmptyLayout

function addLayoutComponent(comp:Component, constraints:Dynamic):Void
function getLayoutAlignmentX(target:Container):Float
function getLayoutAlignmentY(target:Container):Float
function invalidateLayout(target:Container):Void
function layoutContainer(target:Container):Void
function maximumLayoutSize(target:Container):IntDimension
function minimumLayoutSize(target:Container):IntDimension
function preferredLayoutSize(target:Container):IntDimension
function removeLayoutComponent(comp:Component):Void

function new(?style:Int = 0): Void



how to place the scrollbars, default is BOTTOM_RIGHT

function layoutContainer(target:Container): Void

function preferredLayoutSize(target:Container): IntDimension

return target.getSize();