interface org.aswing.MenuElement

Any component that can be placed into a menu should implement this interface. This interface is used by MenuSelectionManager to handle selection and navigation in menu hierarchies.

@author paling

Instance Fields

function getMenuComponent(): Component

This method should return the Component used to paint the receiving element. The returned component will be used to convert events and detect if an event is inside a MenuElement's component.


the Component value

function getSubElements(): Array<Dynamic>

This method should return an array containing the sub-elements for the receiving menu element


an array of MenuElements

function isInUse(): Bool

Returns whether the menu element is in use or not.

function menuSelectionChanged(isIncluded:Bool): Void

Call by the MenuSelectionManager when the MenuElement is added or remove from the menu selection.

function processKeyEvent(code:Int): Void

Precess the selection when key typed.

function setInUse(b:Bool): Void

Sets whether the menu element is in use.