class org.aswing.GeneralListCellFactory

GeneralListCellFactory let you can just specified a ListCell implemented class and other params to create a ListCellFactory @author paling

Instance Fields

function new(listCellClass:Class<Dynamic>, ?shareCelles:Bool = true, ?sameHeight:Bool = true, ?height:Int = 22): Void

Create a list cell factory with a list cell class and other properties. @see #isShareCells()


the ListCell implementation, for example com.xlands.ui.list.UserListCell


(optional)is share cells for list items, default is true.


(optional)is all cells with same height, default is true.


(optional)the height for all cells if sameHeight, if not sameHeight, this param can be miss, default is 22.

function getCellHeight(): Int

Returns the height for all cells @see ListCellFactory#getCellHeight()

function isAllCellHasSameHeight(): Bool

@see ListCellFactory#isAllCellHasSameHeight()

function isShareCells(): Bool

@see ListCellFactory#isShareCells()


is share cells for items.

function setCellHeight(h:Int): Void

Sets the height for all cells