class org.aswing.AsWingManager

The main manager for AsWing framework.

You may need to call setRoot() to set a default root container for AsWing Popups.

@see JPopup @author paling

Class Fields

static function callLater(func:Void ->Void, ?time:Int = 40): Void

static function callNextFrame(func:Dynamic ->Void): Void

Adds a function to the queue to be invoked at next enter frame time


the function to be invoked at next frame

static function getInitialStageSize(): IntDimension

Returns the stage initial size.


the size.

static function getRoot(?checkError:Bool = true): DisplayObjectContainer

Returns the root container which components base on. If you have not set a specified root, the first stage will be the root to be returned.

Take care to use this method if you are working on a multiple native windows AIR project, because there maybe more than one stage.

 * @param checkError whethor or not check root is inited set.

@throws AsWingManagerNotInited if checkError and both root and stage is null. @see #setRoot() @see #getStage()


the root container, or null--not root set and AsWingManager not stage inited. *

static function getStage(?checkError:Bool = true): Stage

Returns the stage inited by initAsStandard() or setRoot.

* Take care to use this method if you are working on a multiple native windows AIR project, * because there maybe more than one stage. *

@see #initAsStandard() @see #setRoot()


whethor or not check is stage is inited set.


the stage.

static function initAsStandard(root:DisplayObjectContainer, ?_preventNullFocus:Bool = true, ?workWithFlex:Bool = false): Void

Init AsWing as a standard setting. This method is very important for your App.

  • If your app is a general Web app or AIR app just have one window(i mean just one stage), you can easy to pass your root here, and then later you can easy to use AsWingManager.getStage().
  • If your app is a multi-stage app, (for example AIR app with more than one NativeWindow), you'd better to pass null for this,

    then the manager will not reference to your stage to make it is GC able when the NativeWindow is close.

@see #setRoot() @see #setPreventNullFocus() @see RepaintManager#setAlwaysUseTimer()


the default root container for aswing popups, or null to make no default root.


set true to prevent focus transfer to null, false, not manage to do this


set this to true if your application ui has both AsWing components and Flex components.

static function initStage(theStage:Stage): Void

Init the stage for AsWing, this method should be better called when flashplayer start. This method will be automatically called when a component is added to stage.


the stage

static function isPreventNullFocus(): Bool

Returns the preventNullFocus property. @see #setPreventNullFocus()


true means will prevent focus transfer to null, false means do not manage this.

static function isStageInited(): Bool

Returns whether or not stage is set to the manager.


whether or not stage is set to the manager.

static function setInitialStageSize(width:Int, height:Int): Void

Sets the intial stage size, this method generally do not need to use. But some times, you know the manager is not initied at right time, i means some times the manager is inited after the stage is resized, so, you maybe need to call this method to correct the size.


the width of stage when application start.


the height of stage when application start.

static function setPreventNullFocus(prevent:Bool): Void

Sets whether or not prevent focus transfer to null when user click a blank(not focusable object). The default value is true, it is suit for normal applications, if you are develop a app that are complex and may have other interactive object is not aswing components, you may need to set this value to false.


set true to prevent focus transfer to null, false, not manage to do this

static function setRoot(root:DisplayObjectContainer): Void

Sets the root container for AsWing components based on.

You'd better call this method before application start, before flashplayer stage resized.

Default is AsWingManager.getStage().


the root container for AsWing popups.

static function updateAfterMilliseconds(?delay:Int = 20): Void

Force the screen to be updated after a time.


the time